Kurulus Osman Session 1 episode 11 with English Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Session 1 episode 11 with English Subtitles
Kurulus Osman Episode 10 Review Alişar Bey tells Sheikh Edebali, then Bala Hatun, that he wants to marry Bala. Bala Hatun rejected this offer, but Aliş Bey said he would wait for him. Alişar Bey, who learned that Gündüz Bey was injured, set out for the Kayi plain. Princess Sophia comes to the castle and begins to expect information from Master Yannis. Osman Bey comes to Samsa and Sıddık. Zohre Hatun comes to Dündar Bey and says that Gündüz Bey is in bad condition. Alişar Bey comes to the plain and asks Gündüz Bey's situation. Then Alişar Bey says that he did this and that this is the result of the stolen gold. Dündar Bey and Alişar Bey argue, but Alişar Bey blames Osman. Osman Bey sends Erkut to the market and asks him to bring intelligence. Osman Bey and the Alps are ready to enter the castle. Alişar Bey says Kayis will be punished if the stolen gold does not return. Dündar Bey is protesting, but there is nothing he can do other than accept it. Sıddık says he knows a secret passage and they can enter the castle from there. Establishment Osman is angry with Osmandar in Chapter 10, Batur and Zohre Hatun Osman. Selcan Hatun defends Osman. Dündar Bey said that Osman would give up for Kayi's future. Bala Hatun comes to her father and sees that she is crying. Sheik thinks about our Prophet (saas) and is upset. Alişar Bey brings Abdul to his mansion and asks where Osman hid his gold. Abdul looks at the water and says he sees something more important than gold. Abdul says that Osman's reputation has deteriorated and Alişar Bey will grow stronger. Alişar Bey believes what Abdul said. Abdul continues to speak and says that Princess Sophia will help her. Dündar Bey calls the other Beys and tells what Alişar Bey is saying. Other Gentlemen blame Osman Bey and ask him to solve this situation. Dündar Bey plans to sell everything on the plain in order not to fight the Mongols.Samsa Bey, Abdurrahman Ghazi and other alps were dressed like Byzantine soldiers. Bala Hatun comes to the plain and talks to other Chicks, but Aygül is disturbed by this situation. Şeyh Edebali tells Akca a story and sends him to Alişar Bey's mansion to gather intelligence. Aygül Bala puts salt on Hatun's sherbet. Still, Bala Hatun drank sherbet. Bala Hatun says that she is ready to provide every kind of assistance to Gündüz Bey and that Aygül pursues her hostile attitude. Selcan Hatun warns Aygül and Zohre Hatun for those. Osman Bey and Bamsi Alp come to other Alps. Dündar Bey is worried that not enough gold can be collected, but Selcan Hatun continues to defend Osman. Osman Bey and Alpler set out under the leadership of Sıddık. In the Chapter 10 of the Organization Osman, Osman Bey sees the road Tekfur uses and goes to see Princess Sophia. The other Alps follow Siddik and go to the treasure room to get gold. Meanwhile, Alişar Bey comes to the castle and starts talking to Princess Sophia. Sdikdik opens the secret door of the treasure room and they all enter. Osman Bey opens the secret door on the wall and listens quietly to the speech of Princess Sophia and Alişar Bey. The Alps make noise in the treasure room, and Byzantine soldiers notice this. The Alps quickly begin to get gold from the room. Samsa Bey and Abdurrahman Ghazi are holding the door of the room. Princess Sophia says there are obstacles to the alliance that Kayi and Edebali will establish. We pull out as much gold as possible from the room, and close the door. Sdikdık leaves the Alps in the room and runs away. Princess Sophia wants to remove the obstacles to the allies and asks why the Mongols came. Osman Bey learns that the Mongols will come to Söğüt. After learning that Sıddık is closing the door, Bamsi Bey collapses. Princess Sophia learns what's going on in the treasure room and goes there immediately. Osman Bey arrives at the last minute and opens the door as Bamsi Bey and the Alps prepare to fight. The founder Osman accused Prince Sophia Salvador of Chapter 10 for being responsible for this incide 

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    Kurulus Osman Episode 22
