Kurulus Osman Session 1 episode 6 with Urdu Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Session 1 episode 6 with Urdu Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Episode 5 Review

Commander Kalanos, Princess Sofia and Alişar Bey come to the Kayi plain and talk about what happened with Dündar Bey. Commander Kalanos wants to try Osman Bey in the castle, while Aliş Bey wants to try Bey in Söğüt. When Princess Sofia accepted this, Osman was decided to be tried in Söğüt. Şeyh Edebali sends a man and calls Osman Bey. Gündüz Bey is worried about the court's decision and wants to find Dündar Bey and his brother. The Alps of Osman bring Dursun and Bala Hatun to the wounded plain. Meanwhile, Osman Bey meets with Sheikh Edebali in the forest.Dündar Bey sends the Alps of Osman to the cage tent. Bala Hatun is in a difficult situation and can die at any time. Obviously Chicks try to heal him. Sheikh Edebali said that Princess Sofia was the daughter of Master Yannis and Osman would kidnap her. Master Yannis, Commander Kalanos and Princess Sofia plan to create chaos in the Kayi tribe. They are considering using the love between Osman Bey and Bala Hatun to get back the treasure. Alişar Bey learns that Bala Hatun is poisoned and goes to Kayi plain. The relationship between Sheikh Edebali and Osman disturbs Alişar Bey and immediately sends a man to talk to Osman Bey about the court. Batur Alp torments Osman's Alps and defeats them. Alişar Bey's man finds Osman and invites him to court. Şeyh Edebali comes to Ertuğrul Gazi's tent and visits his daughter.Osman Bey, Bamsi Bey and Samsa Chavus attack Princess Sofia and Commander Kalanos and take them captive. While waiting for the judges (judges) to arrive, Dündar Bey and Alişar Bey are talking about the court and the hearing of Osman. Osman Bey sent Commander Kalanos to Efendi Yannis to tell him that he had taken Princess Sofia hostage. A man from Commander Kalanos comes to court and tells the court what Osman did. Alişar Bey is very angry with this situation and sets out to find Osman. Dündar Bey and Gündüz Bey accompany him. Commander Kalanos Efendi told Yannis that Princess Sofia has been kidnapped. Meanwhile, Osman comes to the plain of Kayi with Princess Sofia and visits Bala Hatun. Alişar Bey and Dündar Bey rush to the plain and talk to Osman. Alişar Bey tells the Alps to catch Osman, but Osman's Alps stop them. Osman Bey wants Sofia to be tried, not himself. When Osman Bey speaks the truth, Commander Kalanos comes and brings the antidote. It allows her literary daughter to drink an antidote immediately. Commander Kalanos points to the monk Yannis as the person responsible for all crimes and withdraws all charges against Osman Bey and says he will execute Yannis tomorrow. Alişar Bey believes what Commander Kalanos said and accepts his offer. Bamsi Bey objected to this decision, but Osman Bey persuaded him. Master Yannis prays to God and trims his back to forgive. Bala Hatun wakes up and talks to Osman. Getting permission from Bala Hatun, Osman tells that after his father returns, he will marry Bala Hatun and soon learns that the Alps are arrested and Dündar Bey goes to his tent. Dündar Bey asks what Osman did to Batur. When Dundar Bey said to Osman “he washes blood,” Osman stabbed himself in the shoulder. Princess Sofia returns to the castle and talks to Master Yannis. Master Yannis agreed to be executed tomorrow.

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