Kurulus Osman Session 1 episode 8 with Urdu Subtitles
Kurulus Usman Episode 7 Review
Sheikh Adbali intends to give the holy treasures on condition that he withdraw Usman B. This situation surprised the upper elephant. Sheikh Adbali sent Bala Hathon to the Kai field. Here, Princess Sofia tortures Usman, but Usman B does not tell her where Sheikh Adbali is. Princess Sofia stabs Bogak Alp. Effendiens comes and delights in the sight he has seen. Bamsi wants to attack the Alp palace, but Dunder B doesn't allow it. Selken Hatton's insistence on the matter worsens everything. Gunds Bee and Bamsi will visit the Alp Fort and talk to Princess Sofia. Dunder Bee entrusts his son, Bator Alp, and his Alps to look for Usman. Afridi Ennis is happy to catch Usman B and thinks he has won everything. Usman Bey countered the violence of Fendi Ennis and said nothing. Affandi Yance tortured Usman B with intense heat
The Afandiens continue to ask where Sheikh Adbali is but the answer has not been received. The Alps of Usman B start to read Surahs and thus they suffer heavy persecution. Bator Alp and Samsa Chaos meet in the jungle. They are not good because of what happened to Usman B and recent events. Bamsi Alp and Gundes go to the Bay Palace and talk to Princess Sofia. Princess Sofia says she doesn't know anything about Usman B. Bamsi Alp says if anything happens to Usman B and the Alps, he will destroy the fort. Princess Sofia says she will maintain peace and even lose her husband to achieve this peace. She even assigns all her troops to call Usman B to please them. Return to the AfiDeNext cast
Darson went to the fort to convey the message of Sheikh Adibali, but the soldiers recognized his face. He tries to get Princess Sofia using a hostage. Bator Alp tried to find out the location of Osman by bribing a Christian soldier named Huan that he had taken hostage. Soldier Usman is ready to bring B's head. On the other hand, Usman fell unconscious due to torture and has a dream. In this dream, Usman Bey has worn a white dress and spoke to Sheikh Adbali. Usman Bee says he is helpless and asks for independence with the help of Sheikh Adibali. Sheikh Adebeli gives Usman B a handful of clay, but Usman B cannot take it because his hands are tied. Usman B tries to get rid of his chains and takes the clay into his hand. Sheikh Adbali points out that the real treasure is knowledge, he should protect himself from his evil qualities and should not give up hope to Allah.
Usman B pulled out the clay and woke up to his dream. Then he starts to say Al-Nashira. The upper elephant falls into the field, but the eagle elephant does not mix well. Houghton does not accept the Eagle's allegations. Meanwhile, the Selken Hatton comes in and ends their conversation. Thanks to Andreas, who was the hostage, the distant Princess meets Sophia and says she wants to say Sheikh Adibali's offer. Princess Sofia is ready to listen to this offer, but Dorson begins to look for aphids, as she is not in the palace. Selkun Hathan is upset with Usman B and the upperclassman tries to calm him down. This situation upsets Old Hatton. Usman B and the Alps tried to get rid of the chains. Usman B rescues one of his hands and neutralizes the army that comes to control it. Then Usman B gets rid of all the chains.
The tension between the old elephant and the silken elephant is slowly increasing. Selkun Hatton wants to host her tent as a guest, and if there is any problem, she comes to Dunder B to talk to her. Usman B removed the chains in the Alps. Meanwhile, Byzantine soldiers saw this situation and the fighting began. It doesn't take long to wait for Durasan and Affandi comes to the palace. Durson says that Sheikh Justice Usman will provide sacred treasure to save Bee, but only one condition is that Sheikh Justice Usman Bee looks safe and secure. Afandi Ennis accepted this requirement and asked Magala to take Osman B to the place of exchange. A Christian soldier released by Bator Alp returned to kill Usman Bey, saying that Bator wanted Al-Usman's death. But Bator Alp comes at the last minute and helps Usman B.