Mehmetçik Kut'ül Amare EPISODE 03 with Urdu Subtitles
Mahatmak Katal Ammar Episode 03 with Urdu subtitles
This is the epidemic number 03 of the Mahometak Kotalmari with Urdu subtitles. Saeed has been selected in the Osmanik battalion instead of Mohammad. At the beginning of the third incident, the battalion has a mission of Saeed with his friends. The commander tells them about the mission that they have to reach the enemy headquarters. On the way to the headquarters, an ambush took place. There is a tough battle. Many of their boys, including their commander, are killed in the fighting. The rest of the soldiers, including Saeed, are also detained. Solomon the Commander is told about this, he gets very upset about it. Enemies are asking about the headquarters of the Ottoman Battalion, but no one tells them. They even killed some of their soldiers and buried a soldier alive. Saeed also stands by his words.
Saeed is drilling and doing the mission, and Muhammad is fighting his leg on the other side. He doesn't want to be there with his injured leg. He is praying to God that his leg be healed. He is in the hospital and is dreaming that Usmani will conduct a mission in the battalion. He also dreamed of a light in which he drinks blood like pure water and his leg is healing with it. After this dream, Muhammad stands in his leg and he feels much better. He stands on his feet and greets him like a soldier in his hospital room. His father Hasarwa is watching him at the door. Father Hasarov comes and talks to Muhammad that you will be fine. When Muhammad tells him about the dream that he saw a light in his dream, Hasarov tells him that doctors don't know about it, but you'll be fine. While they were talking, come and ask Dr. Mohammed what are you doing? Why are you straining your leg? Muhammad tells him that it is going to be okay now. The doctor says it cannot be fixed. Mohammad tells them to go home for a while. The doctor gave her permission, but with the nurse in her home, as Commander Solomon advised the doctor to take care of her.
Cox is still in the church. He has been singing Shakespeare's poetry about Romeo and Juliet. The father of the church arrives and he tells Cox what a sad ending to Shakespeare's story. Cox emotionally tells her that this is his favorite peace of Shakespeare's work and that this land is his Juliet. The church's father tells Cox that everything is ready. He tells her about a man who has a lot of fighters and is well-armed. The Cox is now heading to Iraq to break the peace. He also thanks the Father for everything he does.
Elizabeth has come to say goodbye to Mohammed, as she too is heading to Iraq to stop the fighting. She encourages Muhammad to come to the hospital and that he will one day be on her feet. When she is standing on her feet and giving speeches to people outside Darfanoon, she gives him her picture. She tells Muhammad that she will always remember him in this picture. Elizabeth is on the same train as Cox. Cox and Elizabeth meet on the train. The battalion is also going to Iraq for this mission. They are all standing at the train station and all are gathered. Muhammad wants to go too. Prior to his departure, he went to Commander Solomon to ask permission if he allowed them to accompany him. But the Solomon commander stopped it. Mohammed wants to go with them, so he decides to go into the battalion.